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  1. hezii


    Is there room for one more faction or reopening of ote if not can we make another one to replace ote???
  2. hezii

    Cop steals my phone Need my phone back cop stole it from me
  3. hezii


    still aint get wl in forums but been whitelisted for a minute
  4. hezii

    Gucc saying im banned but im not wtf

    can i get a staff member in the call now like lmao whats going on no one ever banned me or i did anything to get banned i still could play i got stuck at fun and busters fell threw the map made a report a admin asnwered i said i need help i falling threw the map he gone admin jail me and be like...
  5. hezii

    Like wassup i got my wl taken i aint do nun and plus i spawned in with nothing in my inventory but a phone

    i had 25k 2 lockpicks food but i spawned in with all it gone is this shi a glitch?



